The love of my glamorous family is my life greatest blessing. And also my friends, too. I'm so glad to have my family and my friends in my life today. I can't imagine how my life is without them.They we're so important to me. There are problem with family vs friends. Because sometimes there are people who truly loves there friends more than there family. Why? I think because they have broken family, his family didn't make attention, there parents' is so busy for there profession and any other possible problem. Sometimes, i can't balance my time for my family and my friends but it's not a reason to have a unequal love for them. Even though sometimes i mostly have time for my friends it doesn't mean i don't love my family. I love both of them as soon as possible I can have time to each of everyone so ever body happy.
I read an article entitled "
Family and Friends are the Best Medicine" by Maia Szalavits and Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD. This article is too short but they are in gist of their main idea. They only want to share that are friends and our lovely family is our best medicine, a way to reduce our stress in our life and there our life relaxation. Because we can stock stress to our family and they light up, too. As we grow older we can have a social life to stress relieve from our friends and some comfort from our parents.
According to Maia Szalavits and Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD
"between human contact and stress relief is so primal, it's not surprising that supportive friends and family have so many health benefits". I think I'm so healthy because I have my friends and my family here in my side. For there moral support during my hardest decision, they we're my stress reliever. They seemingly irreplaceable in my life. Even though they are busy enough for there own business, whenever I need them they never fail me to make my self down. They are the best medicine in my eternal life.

I found an article entitled
"Family and Friends OR Friends vs Family?" by Paula. She stated about family and friends. How family have a strong bond to each other. Families are extremely tight and bonded for life, there are many reason, explanation and causes. She and hopefully me agreed that no perfection appear anywhere in a family. Our parents give us guidance, protection, lessons and caring love to have a decent and peaceful life. In sibling, it's our first friends and first playmates. We share our thought and happiness to our sibling. And that can grow to become integral in our life.About Friends, friends are like family. They are loyal and dedicated to an individual. As of that, her number one question is "Which is more important, Family or Friends?". She stated that her some friends answered friends is more important. But family and friends, are easily be an equal important to all of us. That we must be grateful to have there in our life, no matter how they touched our hearts.

According to Paula "
there is no comparison, no contest.. they firmly embrace over the other. We can speculate on this, forever. The picture of possibilities is clear".Yes, no comparison and even contest for both side. We must not compare our family to our friends, we need to treasure them both and never fail one of them. There are possible to have a clear to her question, family and friends are equally stated in our life. Family can be our friends and friends could be our family. For me, no doubt i love all of them and no wall for my family and my friends. We must don't have advantage to each side, we must love them equally.
In this blog, I realized how much my life is so blessed to have my friends and especially my family. I don't want a competition on either side. I just want them in my life, no cure in my sadness if they're not here in my side. I feel so special that i have them, i don't have any reason to have them in my life. Lets agree that family and friends are the most precious thing in our life.
Family vs Friends? No, family and friends rather.
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