Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How friendship can Influence Behavior


A Research Paper Presented to
The Faculty of English Resource Center
School of Multimedia Arts
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
of the requirements for the Course
Research Writing

Giselle M. Bandilla
April 2014

A.  Background of the study
Friendship is considered an important part of life. Scientists and researchers alike have agreed that friendship provides an individual with multiple physical, emotional, and psychological benefits. Apart from those benefits, friends also provide an individual with a support structure that allows him to cope with different challenges in life.

Maria Popova wrote an article about the nature of friendship called, "The Science and Philosophy of Friendship: Lessons from Aristotle on the Art of Connecting." In this article she discussed the ideas of the philosopher Plato regarding the many benefits of having a real friend, including the fact that friends allow us to discover ourselves.

She says, “Friends hold a mirror up to each other; through that mirror they can see each other in ways that would not otherwise be accessible to them, and it is this mirroring that helps them improve themselves as persons” (http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2013/09/19/aristotle-friendship/).

 Friendship provide multiple benefits. In reality we all know that people are not perfect. Some people are always has a positive mind but some aren’t. Friendship with positive people has some benefits in your life. A friend is who should be there for you, treat you, accept you, love you and always understand you. Also, it will help you be the best and amazing creatures you can be in this earth.

Cherie Burbach wrote an article about benefit of friendship entitled, “Benefits Of Positive Friends: Ways That Upbeat People Can Add Good Things to Your Life” In this article she discussed that having friends in your life has a health benefit. It can increase life span, lower rate of depression, and many more. Friendship can enrich one’s life and improve healthier mind and body.

She says, “Positive individuals want others to be happy, and will go out of their way to help you when you're feeling down or need some extra special attention and positive friends will not only help you rebound from the negative hits you take in life, but they will also inspire you to be the best you can be” (http://friendship.about.com/od/Benefits_of_Friendship/a/Benefits-Of-Positive-Friends.htm).

One of the benefits of having a friendship is that you have a companion in life. It’s happy when you have a friend always at your side even at your sorrowful days. They never lever you alone and try to cheer you up. They also like a second family treating one another like sisters or brother. Life will be complete with friend around you.

B Thrifty wrote an article about benefit of friendship entitled, “Love and Friendship” In this article she discussed that true friendship blend with love, loyalty, respect and understanding. He said that different people have a different meaning of friendship by their perspective in life. And a friend has a priceless treasure.

He says, “Friendship is a feeling of comfort and emotional safety with a person. It is when you do not have to weigh your thoughts and measure words, before keeping it forth before your friend. It is when someone knows you better than yourself and assures to be your side in every emotional crisis" (http://b-thrifty.com/virginia/love-and-friedship-meaning/).

Also Friendship can bring out the best in you. In friendship, you can develop your personalities and skill. It can motivate when you’re with your friends because you know in yourself that they can inspire you to do better. Through friendship it is a big help to be a better person in your life.

Carlin Flora wrote an article about benefit of friendship entitled, “How Friendship Makes You More Successful.” In this article she discussed how her friend change her life and became successful in life with the help of friends around.  Friends can lead you to a way that increase your success in your life.

She says, “If you truly want to change some aspect of your life, developing friendships with people who aspire to the same goals as you do" (http://ideas.time.com/2013/01/16/how-friendship-makes-you-more-successful//).

Friends are important and they provide a lot of benefits. However, one problem is that some people have difficulty finding friends. Some people are shy and find it difficult to introduce themselves or assert themselves in a way that could increase their chances of having friends.

Paul Sanders wrote an article about friendship entitled, “Why It’s Hard to Make Friends, and What to Do About It” This article tackle the main reason why people find it hard to make new friends and he stated the reason why. He stated many reason but this are they few. First, You think people already in a closed group of friend. Second, You learned that friends can be disappointing. And many more reason why.

He says, “Making friends can be hard because of one’s lack of social skills, because our society is generally making us more isolated, because of our modern busy lifestyles, or because we no longer have a context for meeting people like we did in college or high school” (http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/why-its-hard-make-friends-and-what-about.html).

The researcher observes that most people who have trouble making friends share similar characteristics such as shyness, a lack of social skills, and some confidence issues. The researcher also observes how those who are successful at making friends share similar characteristics. The researcher believes that learning which personal traits lead to gaining more friends would solve the difficulties a person may encounter when trying to make friends with other people.

The information provided in this paper is important because knowing what personal traits people with a lot of friends have will help the reader develop more friendships in his personal life. Furthermore, having knowledge about these traits will encourage the reader to develop them in himself.

The purpose of this paper is to explain what personal traits allow people to have the most friends.

B. Statement of the Problem
This study aims to answer this question:

1. What personal traits allow people to have the most friends?

C. Significance of the Study

High School and College Students. This research paper would be able to help them know that friendship can influence through behavior. So that, in their school life they will never have a hard time to make friends with others. The researchers hope that giving more emphasis to friendship make interested to make new friends and explore their life with people around them. All of us have a friendship. Knowledge of this research paper would help to open their mind to people who have some behavior.

Business People. Business people classified as rich people. Rich people like politics, celebrities and business families would benefit from this study because they would be able to know and appreciate friendship. Not only with their same status in life but also other people around them. To open their mind that all of us are equal so that rich people would be interested to make some new friends.

Lonely People. This study would help lonely people to understand and open their mind for friendship. It is believed that this research would be able to make a good beginning for lonely people to make new friends and have a prismatic world not like there earlier life. And make a way to find a friend who have their same traits or qualities.

Future Researcher.  The proposed study will benefits and help the future researcher as their guide. They can also open their mind in development of this study. Friendship can influence person through their behavior and the researchers surely believe that if future studies would be made soon, there might have improvement and changing that how friendship can influence behavior.

D. Scope and Limitation
 This study focuses on how friendship influence person. The researcher formulated the scope and limitation of this project to know what is the trait is most common to have a friends. This is to emphasis the influence of behavior in friendship. Moreover, how people prefer being friends with people from their same social status and common interest.

 This study will not cover the other subject of friendship such as how friendship develops, how people select friends and interpretation the value of  friendship.

E. Materials and Method
   This research uses an online article since the researcher aim to discuss how friendship influence behavior which is topic is all about friendship. The researcher made a blog about the topic. The blog have a different type of topic like psychology, science, arts, methodology and sociology so that the researcher’s extend the mind for the topic. Information relevant to the study was gathered from an article from online sources.


1.      What personal traits allow people to have the most friends?

I. Definition of friendship 
Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. It is a relationship that people built with trust, loyalty and understanding. Friendship is the most precious thing that everyone has to this world. In fact, we can't prevent that we are all equal in this earth as we all know that we have each other different characteristic and personalities. In this case, we all have our own uniqueness. 

Friendship is the most precious thing in our lives. In this research show how can manage a friendship even it can influence one's behavior. Behavior is the most problem of the friendship. But if you truly love your friends you can accept whatever problem of that person. Negative behavior aim to make your friendship ruin but it can make do thing to support the negative behavior in your friendship. Positive behavior can help other to open their mind and their feelings to stay happy and have a prismatic world. However, friendship had a different type of it. It have a term to describe the various type of friendship. This research show that people have a friendship with their same status in life and because they have their common interest.

The important part of lives of the most of the people is friendship. People easier to maintain friendship because they have common interest. They know how will make you happy whenever you sad. They know when you cheer up if you are silently sad. They treated you like sisters and brothers. That's why they are the most important part of our live. Because they can sustain beyond our family. They can tell problem that you can't tell to your family. In fact, friends have the most of the time to spent with rather than to your family.

I found an article entitle "Friends and Friendship" by Dr. Bill Denton. Everybody don't like to be alone. No one can live without need's of other and with the companion with others. We always need someone, a friend. No matter what you say, you'll need others and their companion. Friends can provide us happiness. Life will be so dull if no one around you. right? In friendship you can learn everything. Love your friends as you love yourself. Don't underestimate friendship, try to learn new things from new people. Don't be scared to socialize with other people. Show them who you are and not what you have. In that case you will learn the true meaning of friendship. 

According to Dr. Bill Denton "Friendship is a blessing, and a friend is the channel through whom great emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical blessings flow”. (http://www.heartlight.org/articles/200303/20030301_friends.html)

II. Why Friendship Fail
A. Lack of Time
This is the most problem why friendship even all relationship fail. Some people loses their time to other people so that they don't have enough time to make a social communication. Social communication is the most ingredient of any relationship especially in friendship, Time can develop one's relationship because time can repair on problem or issues involve in your relationship. Constant togetherness develops love, this quote proved that all relationship need a time to each other. Time to need to talk, to make laugh, to make joke, to make silly things, to share problems and many more. Most of friendship fail, it is because they haven't enough time to know each other. Sometimes, people take for granted other people because they though they have a less value to other people.

Geeta Dhavela  wrote an article entitled “Lack of Communication in Relationships”. In this article tells that time is the most important thing to work a relationship. If no time in relationship there also no communication inside the relationship. Also, in friendship it can affect if people never surrender their time to make it. It will affect his personal, professional and social life.

She says, “ Today, in our daily hectic schedule, we forget to pay attention to the needs of our loved ones. We are so engaged in our daily chores, that we start taking our relationships for granted. It makes the bond of relationship weaker by creating dubiety, doubts, and disrespect. It is better to discuss and sort out your problems in any relationship, instead of living in ambiguity and suspicion.” (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/lack-of-communication-in-relationships.html)

Lack of time can ruin a friendship. All relationship needs it because time can give us memories and bonding moment to our loved ones.  Friendship Fail because of this, lack of communication like lacking yourself to other people.

B. Lack of Emotional Capital
Friendship fail because of lack of Emotional Capital.  It's about caring, loving, and understanding. If you don't have that, it say that you have a lack of emotional capital of friendship. Emotional Capital influential with mood, temperature, feeling, and personality of one person. Meaning,  cracking of relationship because you are moody, you get angry easily and they don't want your personalities. In this situation, having that problem can cause a friendship deep in the ground. Because it built with love, trust and understanding; must understand why people is like this, like that and like anything. Understand why is that girl is so emotional over little things around her and etc. Example scenerio of this problem: if your friend is crying and you never comfort her. It's like you never care, she will get hurt because the way you treated her is not what she thinks of you.

Felix Reed-Tsochas wrote an article about friendship entitled “Science May Explain Why Your Friendships Fall Apart”. In this article, one of the reasons why friendships fall apart is because of Lack of Emotional Capital. It defined as strong social requires in a relationship.

He says, “the fact that a strong social relationship requires considerable emotional investment, and our stock of emotional capital is finite.” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/felix-reedtsochas/social-signature-friends_b_4590203.html)

C. Cognitive Limitation
Cognitive limitation is about our brain and social communities. In friendship, sulking and jealousy is a normal thing but sometimes people have a big pride. In that case, people can break down there friendship because they don't like to lose their pride and never accept the truth. It's about pride that can ruin one relationship. If you are in a relationship you try to understand them instead of hurting them. Example of this problem: you hurt your friend but you never admit the mistake you've done, so that it will start the fight for the  both side then will snob all the time. The greatest thing to end up that fight is forgiveness and understanding. And must admit you mistake because if you are true friends no matter what happen you can easily forgive other people especially the one you really love the most.

Hara Marano wrote an article entitled “The Danger of Loneliness”.  In this article, the author tells us that being lonely can effect our body and brain that can be have a expose  to the stress hormones. In friendship it can affect the loneliness in the relationship because  it can bring the emotional discomfort.  It make people sad so that they will not have time to make friend or stay with friends because they are lonely inside.

The author says, “This cognitive awareness plays through our brain with an emotional soundtrack. It makes us sad. We might feel an emptiness. We may be filled with a longing for contact. We feel isolated, distanced from others, deprived. These feelings tear away at our emotional well-being.” (http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200308/the-dangers-loneliness)

III. Why Friendship Succeed
A. Have time
Friendship takes time. Time to know each other, to give more bonding, to listen to the complain or sadness, to accept each other, to understand, to care and to be there whenever they need you. It's the most ingredient of one's relationship because having time to other people means they are so important to them. Example, you have a busy schedule if you give time to your friends they really appreciate it because even your mind is pressure doing something they think they are more important that in what doing.

Spending time to your friends is the happiest moment of your life. Time really work the friendship of one's person. You can talk to them or ask them how's their day. If they need you because they have a problem, listening to them is the best way to make them feel more comfortable. Make time to your friends to make your relationship stronger because being together develops love and understanding. Even in good times or bad just treasure the moment always with your friends. Even you're busy, just keep in touch to your friend. It can help them even you text them only, they will really appreciate it.

Fact Sheet wrote an article entitled “ What Makes A Good Friend?” In this article, the author state the sign of a good friend. Some signs are someone who company you enjoy, who will support you no matter what and who is there to listen. To sum up, signs of having a good friend is have time to one’s relationship. 

He says, “It’s good for your happiness to be a great friend to someone and to have a group of good friends supporting you. But it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what makes a good friend.” (http://au.reachout.com/What-makes-a-good-friend) 

B. Common Interest
Reconcile common interest, hobbies and all things can make a friendship stronger. In this case, they will talk you longer because you have all in common. They will do same thing, you both like playing badminton and playing computer. You and your friend both have same likes to a guy or a girl, so that you have a long conversation and never get bore. Both of you want a same genre of music, if you have new song you can easily share to your friends. Having common interest with your friends can make your relationship challenging and more meaning because you bear with all things with friend.

Alex Lickerman wrote an article entitled “The True Meaning of Friendship”. This article states that having a common interest between friends can make relationship stronger. It will have many time spending together because they have common interest to talk to.

He says, “This probably ties us closer to our friends than many would like to admit. When our interests diverge and we can find nothing to enjoy jointly, time spent together tends to rapidly diminish. Not that we can't still care deeply about friends with whom we no longer share common interests, but it's probably uncommon for such friends to interact on a regular basis.” (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/happiness-in-world/201312/the-true-meaning-friendship)

C. Common Values
You can find friends with your common value so yourself compromise to each other. Some friends have your same values that why you are friends with them. Having a common values to make friends is easy because you see yourself to other people with your same values in life. You make yourself comfortable with the person because you know you have the same values.

I read an article entitled " The Science and Philosophy of Friendship: Lesson from Aristotle on the Art of Connecting" by Maria Popova. In this article, Aristotle give lesson that defined friendship in other matters. He stated the classification of friendship in three categories. First, friendship in pleasure, it is the direct pleasure brings in friendship. Second, friendship in utility, which you can gain benefit in a relationship. And last, friendship is virtue, it is the highest kind of friendship and you become a friends because of his virtue. We value friendship for social dimension and bring happiness in our entire life. He also stated in this article that friendship is such an instrument to our live to make it enrich.

According to some Scientist and Philosopher in this article that "friendship is an essential ingredient of human happiness". (http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2013/09/19/aristotle-friendship/)

IV. Trait that People with Many Friends Have
A. Being Friendly
Friendly person have many friends. There are people who blessed to have a friendly personality; however, sometimes there are people who is not. Being friendly can build a friendship and a good relationship. If you have that personalities, it makes you a confident to talk and talk to other people so that you can easily have friends around you. This is a personality that everyone interested and enjoying it. And it like you giving an effort to build and make some friendship to people you not know.

B. Honesty
Being honest to your friend is so challenging but it is important in your relationship. It's better to say the truth than to make lie to your friends. But in many case, honesty to your friends can be bad but it depends on the people how they accept your honest. Honesty can help to strengthen relationship. You may not notice but it has a big factor to your friendship. Being honest to someone is a great trait that people has because some people can deny.

C. Good listener
Your friend is your companion whenever you are happy even in sad time. One trait that people with many friends is a good listener. Because when their friend need a companion, they will always listen to their friend even they have a busy schedule. Some people need a friend that can usually tell if they are happy, sad, upset, angry and excited. You must aware how the feelings of your friend to know how you can manage your friends mood. Being a good listener to your friends can make more comfortable with the both of you.

Denise Restauri wrote an article entitled “5 Qualities of Charismatic People. How Many Do You Have?” In this article she states the qualities above. Those qualities are powerful and charismatic to people around you. To have those qualities can make you many friends.

She says, “Everyone can be charismatic. We are not born charismatic – we cultivate it in many ways. One way is by observing and learning from people who you think are charismatic. You don’t need to copy them, but learn their secrets, try them on and fine-tune them until they fit you. It’s a trial and error process. Bad news is that once you have your charismatic status, you can lose it” (http://www.forbes.com/sites/deniserestauri/2012/05/03/5-qualities-of-charismatic-people-how-many-do-you-have/)

Having positive personalities can make you many friends in your life. They will accept you just being as you are. People will understand for being you and people will love for being as you are. The most important in friendship is these qualities. It can make a friendship stronger and united always.

V. Trait that People with Few Friends Have
A. Same Behavior
Some people want to be friends because they need something. In life you can’t live without people around you and the needs from the other people. Some people stick to a person when they need something but later on they will take you for granted just because they get the thing that they want. It’s a sign that is a false friend. They are unsupportive, up to no good and unreliable. It’s hard when you have a toxic friends in your life. But you must be a good friend to others it is the one of the quality of friendship.  Just balance and nice to a false friend.

Rich people build a relationship with rich people. Rich people like a friendship with their same status in life. They don’t think about people with low class because they have confident that rich people is always with rich people. Sometime, rich people always think they are destined with rich people in the society. But some rich people appreciate other people but some are don’t. They thought that they are high so that they always underestimate some people below them. They think that other people are gold digger and user so they are too scared to make friends with them. Money can’t buy us happiness and friends even money is important in our lives. Friends can’t buy through money, it’s all about attitude, personalities and perspective in live to build friends and last forever.

Rick Nauert wrote an article entitled “Friends Tend to Get a Pass on Their Behavior”. This article tells that people judge easily other people regardless on their performance and in their behavioral traits. It is why people lost friends because they judges other’s behavior.

He says, “we should then think twice before allowing people who know each other to be in positions to judge each other “ (http://psychcentral.com/news/2013/10/10/friends-tend-to-get-a-pass-on-their-behavior/60549.html)

B. Shyness
Shy people don’t have enough friends because they not expose their self to other people. In friendship it started with a conversation. Having friends must have a communication. Shy people don’t have enough confident to make any friends at all because they are scared to make friends with other. Shy people must try to face their weaknesses. Shy people underestimate themselves. They are losing there confident for other people. They close their mind for friendship because they don’t have any confident in their self to build relationship to other. Sometimes, they will think that they will never treasure or underestimate them. They scared for frustration and rejection. Life is full of challenge, must face your fear. One of the famous line of Filipino “walang mangyayari ang taong mahiyain”. Friendship is the best relationship in our life. Don’t  waste some time from your life because of  that behavior.

Adam Dachis wrote an article entitled “Being Shy Is Just a Bad Habit, and You Can Break It With Regular Practice” This article shows that shyness is a bad habit to people especially having relationship to other people. They losing their confident to make a relation to other people because they are scared for the risk of rejection from other people.

He says, “Most shy people wish they were more confident, because shyness is ultimately a symptom of you being uncomfortable with who you are. You judge yourself based on other people's standards and spend too much time in your own head, thinking of how best to act and react in any given situation. This is nothing more than a bad habit, and it's the sort of thing you can break with regular practice.” (http://lifehacker.com/5909696/being-shy-is-just-a-bad-habit-and-you-can-break-it-with-regular-practice)

C. Personality
Everyone has own personality in life. Some people are too talkative, too pushy to other things and others. Sometimes people don't want that personality so that they will avoid to make friends with them. But there are people even though they don't want those personality they suffer to make friends with them, they feel empathy because those people don't have friends. Sometimes, people with a negative personalities never aware about himself because they just show their true colors. Like what I've said, sometimes people underestimate people with negative personalities. It's illusion of one's person, they never try to make friends because in their mind they have a negative attitude. Having hard time to make friendship because of negative personalities is one of the most problem of friendship. It's up to you if you accept and to bear with.

 Raj Raghunathan wrote an article entitled “Dealing with Negative People”. This article states that people with negative personalities is hard to deal with.  In relationship, it can ruin because no one can understand each other personalities. The fear of most negative people is judgmentalism it has a tendency to motivate negatively 

He says, “It can be excruciatingly difficult to deal with negative people—people who bring your mood down with their pessimism, anxiety, and general sense of distrust. Imagine being constantly discouraged from pursuing your dreams because “very few people make it big” “. (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sapient-nature/201303/dealing-negative-people)

D. Psychological Issue
People don't want to have friends because they have a history establishing friends. Some people with this problem, scared to know who is really she/he. In friendship, you need to communicate to your friends. So, you need to talk about your life, in this case people have this problem don't want to discuss about their life. Because sometimes they are scared to share their life to other people because they lead to their mind that people never accept who is really she/he. You're not comfortable to other people because you think they will judge and reject you.

Eleanor Shakiba wrote an article entitled, "Handling sulking behavior" by Eleanor Shakiba. People in sulking behavior, is the one who is emotionally abuse. Who don't communicate to others and stay silent. One reason of sulking is if they don't get what they what. Some people become angry and irritated in other things to get some attention. She also stated in her article that when you are in sulking, you never communicate honestly and always have a complain. So she stated the four steps how to deal with people who sulks: First, describe what you see or hear so that you can make evidence for that person's tactics; Second, Bring the convert message into the open for they express what they want to say; Third, Set a clear boundary; and Lastly, Re frame their toxic behavior to bring out their positive thoughts.

She says, “people pretend that they are suffering in silence, but really, they have every intention of expressing their anger". (http://www.difficultpeoplemadeeasy.com.au/problembehaviours/passiveaggressive/sulkingbehaviour.html)

VI. Conclusion
Don't lose your friends. Many people will come and go in your life but it doesn't mean that you will never appreciate other people because you think that they will only leave you. Friendship is the most blessed things that people have. As soon as possible, treasure them in your life and they will be part of your life. Even you're pressure doing anything or you're so busy always keep in touch to your friends. Be responsible that you have friends, that they know you are always here for them and always here to guide them. Just give them a proper attention so that they never think that they are taken for granted. Some people need a companion in life, they want you because they need you and because you've been in there life.

Gain more friends. In life, no man is an island. Not even you have already friends in your life you will stop searching for another. It's fun to make many friends around you. They will teach you new things, can help you in many ways, many party and many happy moments. Try to socialize and open yourself to other people. Gain many friends to make your life prismatic. Having many friends in your life can make your life stronger and happier because they are the ones can make a better you.

Avoid negative personality traits. In this research, the researchers found that people with less friend have a negative personality trait. If you want to have a friendship with more friend, avoid the negative personality you have in your life. You can prevent it and make new things in your life. Make socialize and delete the negative traits that people don’t want from you. Being honest or true to one person is the best to have many friends. Try to make them understand who you are and what you are and just avoid and prevent things that make you look like a negative people.

Develop positive personality traits. To avoid the negative personality you have, you must develop the positive trait. In a way can change your personality with a personality you see with people who have many friends. It’s easy to avoid the negative personality and it easy to develop positive personality. It depends on you if how it is. But you can learn it to other people. Just put in your mind that having friend needs a personality that can make you friendship stronger.

Friendship can influence behavior. In a way that you are friendly with other and other people look you up as you are. In mood, it is the positive effect that you must feel happy and energize so it have chance that friendship can influence your mind and body. You can change the behavior of one person, inspire and encourage them to take away the negative behavior they have in their life. In friendship, you must spend time with it and know them. It can influence behavior because some people want their friends must there same status in life. Some people whom are shy people get not friends because they don't have enough confident to their self to make friends with other. Poor people scared to make friends with there above level because they think they are not level in this world. We all created equal, it's about the people if we are influence by their behavior to have friends.

This paper attempted to determine how friendship can influence behavior. The research findings are the following:
1. Friendship is considered an important part of our life.
2.  Friendship built with common interest, love, trust and understanding.
3.  People with few friends have a negative personalities.
4. People with more friends have a positive personalities.

Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. Friendship can influence one's behavior.
2. Some people have a hard time to find friends.
3. Having friendship is not easy you must have a nice personalities to have friends.
4. Friendship may fall apart because of having a Lack of time.

After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/ recommendations.
1. Develop positive personality trait to make many friends. In that case, you can accept people around you.
2. Find friends with your common interest, in that case you will have fun to make friends with. People have a common interest can make easily have friends.
3. Gain more friends and don't lose friends.
4. Avoid negative personalities to gain more friends.

A. Electronic Media
Tsochas, Felix R. (January 1, 2014 ). Science May Explain Why Your Friendships Fall Apart.  Retrieved from April 19, 2014 from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/felix-reedtsochas/social-signature-friends_b_4590203.html

Levine, Irene. (April 7, 2011). Why would someone have no friends?. Retrieved from April 19, 2014 from http://www.thefriendshipblog.com/why-would-someone-have-no-friends/

Barker, Eric. (March 14, 2014 ) .  How To Make Friends Easily And Strengthen The Friendships You Have. Retrieved from April 21, 2014 from http://time.com/24122/how-to-make-friends-easily-and-strengthen-the-friendships-you-have/

Barker, Eric. (September 29, 2012). 5 ways to strengthen your friendships. Retrieved from April 19, 2014 from http://www.bakadesuyo.com/2012/09/5-ways-to-strengthen-your-friendships/

Samadder, Rhik. ( Januart 11, 2014). Five ways to make friends. Retrieved from April 20, 2014 from http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/jan/11/five-ways-make-friends-do-something-social
MacLeod , Chris. ( 2014 ). How To Be More Friendly And Social. Retrieved from April 21, 2014

Haden, Jeff ( October 2013 ).10 Habits of Remarkably Charismatic People. Retrieved from April 21, 2014 from http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/10-habits-of-remarkably-charismatic-people.html


  1. 1. Background of the Study (What you think about friendship)
    - Friendship is considered an important part of life.
    - Friendship provides multiple benefits.
    - Benefits
    - Benefits
    - Some people have difficulty finding friends.

    2. Observation (What I know that you don't)
    - People who have many friends have common traits.

    3. Need for study
    - Having background information on the personal qualities that allow people to have more friends will teach the reader how to find more friends and establish stronger friendships with people.

    4. Purpose/focus of paper
    - The purpose of this paper is to explain what personal traits allow people to have the most friends.

    B. Statement of the Problem
    1. What personal traits allow people to have the most friends?

  2. Chapter 1:

    Friendship is considered an important part of life. Scientists and researchers alike have agreed that friendship provides an individual with multiple physical, emotional, and psychological benefits. Apart from those benefits, friends also provide an individual with a support structure that allows him to cope with different challenges in life.

    Maria Popova wrote an article about the nature of friendship called, "The Science and Philosophy of Friendship: Lessons from Aristotle on the Art of Connecting." In this article she discussed the ideas of the philosopher Plato regarding the many benefits of having a real friend, including the fact that friends allow us to discover ourselves.

    She says, “Friends hold a mirror up to each other; through that mirror they can see each other in ways that would not otherwise be accessible to them, and it is this mirroring that helps them improve themselves as persons” (http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2013/09/19/aristotle-friendship/).

  3. Friends are important and they provide a lot of benefits. However, one problem is that some people have difficulty finding friends. Some people are shy and find it difficult to introduce themselves or assert themselves in a way that could increase their chances of having friends.

    Paul Sanders wrote an article about friendship entitled, “Why It’s Hard to Make Friends, and What to Do About It” This article tackle the main reason why people find it hard to make new friends and he stated the reason why. He stated many reason but this are they few. First, You think people already in a closed group of friend. Second, You learned that friends can be disappointing. And many more reason why.

    He says, “Making friends can be hard because of one’s lack of social skills, because our society is generally making us more isolated, because of our modern busy lifestyles, or because we no longer have a context for meeting people like we did in college or high school” (http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/why-its-hard-make-friends-and-what-about.html).

    The researcher observes that most people who have trouble making friends share similar characteristics such as shyness, a lack of social skills, and some confidence issues. The researcher also observes how those who are successful at making friends share similar characteristics. The researcher believes that learning which personal traits lead to gaining more friends would solve the difficulties a person may encounter when trying to make friends with other people.

    The information provided in this paper is important because knowing what personal traits people with a lot of friends have will help the reader develop more friendships in his personal life. Furthermore, having knowledge about these traits will encourage the reader to develop them in himself.

    The purpose of this paper is to explain what personal traits allow people to have the most friends.

    B. Statement of the Problem

    This study aims to answer this question:

    1. What personal traits allow people to have the most friends?

  4. I. Definition of Friendship

    II. Why Friendships Fail
    A. Lack of Time
    B. Lack of Emotional Capital
    C. Cognitive Limitations

    III. Why Friendships Succeed (How to Keep Friends)

    IV. Traits that People with Few Friends Have

    V. Traits that People with Many Friends Have

    VI. Conclusions
    - Don't lose your friends.
    - Gain more friends.
    - Avoid negative personality traits.
    - Develop positive personality traits.

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